Teacher Application - Expression of interest
You may print this form, complete and post it to us at
Bach2roq Music, PO Box 6091, Highton VIC 3216
OR (preferably) submit electronically
Tell us how to get in touch with you:
Name Title Address Suburb Postcode E-mail Tel Mobile FAX DOB (date of birth) eg type 06061981 for "June 6 1981"
List your instruments (in order of experience, best first) Instrument1 Qualification Years of teaching exp. Instrument2 Qualification Years of teaching exp. Instrument3 Qualification Years of teaching exp. Instrument4 Qualification Years of teaching exp.
What is the optimal number of students you would like to teach?
What is your preferred mode of teaching (Referral or Contracted to Bach2Roq - see previous page for explanations)?
Do you have a current drivers licence?
Enter any additional comments in the space provided below:
NOTE: This form is an expression of interest only, and is not indicative of any obligation on the part of the applicant or of Bach2Roq Music.