- At bach2roq we have enjoyed creating software for the past 20 years
which has enhanced businesses, academic & government
- With the evolving nature of software, electronics and the internet,
many new software technologies are being used with increasing success
to enhance productivity, revenue and communication. Our team of
programmers have very much enjoyed being part of this.
- We have specialised in designing customised software that is
designed for the specific needs of the company.
- We give no obligation, free assessments and costs are fully quoted
before work commences.
- Our costs are based at $75 (AUD) per hour plus any overheads
(travel, etc...) for PC and intranet based systems. For online systems
see here.
- Our work is guaranteed according to our products
business software and web
pages |
general PC software applications*
- general administrative software customised for the specialised
nature of the business activity
automated booking systems
accounts management &
automated email systems
automated & integrated
plus...many more applications
designed by the client
database systems*
scientific & medical software systems*
scientific & medical
technical analysis
research data analysis
data presentation & reports
literature & data searches
& reports
mathematical software systems*
data analysis
mathematical analysis
fourier analysis
graphical data analysis
complex data management
timetabling software*
- software modules that calculate specialised timetabling of
activities of a business
- integrated management with reports & accounts
- design allows management of complex and varying timetables
computer audio software
- specialising in midi & audio systems
- customised audio
- music education software
- sound analysis
specialised prototype applications*
- specialised customised software applications
pages & internet systems |
web page design and construction
online database systems*
- web page systems
- allows fully integrated online advertising of stock to the customer
- online ordering and sales
online merchant systems*
- automated assessment systems for academic assessment
educational software |
PC and online automatic assessment system*
- automated assessment systems for academic assessment
- consists of course work material & self-testing questions
- assessment
academic workload software*
- online system for the management of academic workloads
online administrative software*
- online system for the academic coursework
PC based music education software
- ear training software
- for product list see here
* due to Commercial-In-Confidence agreements we are unable to
directly demonstrate many of our products on the internet. Please contact peter@bach2roq.com
to arrange personal demonstrations.